28 February 2013

Obama's Muse

It has been quite awhile since I have posted anything here, but given the assault on our liberties by the Obama administration and his cronies on the Progressive Left/Socialist cabal in our country, it seems again imperative that I put thought to screen.

What has happened to the lofty goals and empty promises of Comrade Obama? One need not skip down the path of reminisence to 2007 to see that the 'Hope and Change' train has ran off of the tracks. But to indulge that line of thought, who remembers Obama promising a new way of doing business in Washington? Or his assertion that there would be a new era of openness and transparency? Or the worst, his promise that he would work across the aisle with Republicans to make things better for all of us.

For better or worse, as a country we had a weariness about us over the previous eight years. I was a big supporter of President Bush. He was someone who acted with resolve, refused to vacillate, he stood firm for what was right, and by all accounts, he was a workhorse as a leader. The president started his term with a Left who was angry and bitter for having to leave eight years of Clinton, and who desperately wanted another eight years of Gore. Then, he was hit with being at the helm during the national tragedy that was 9-11. Before the dust was settled, Left-wing nuts were doubting his ability, questioning his right and just response to retaliate, and even going so far as to suggesting that he or Vice President Cheney had something to do with the attack. It wasn't long until the peacenik crowd was demanding that we pull back to within our borders and make nice with our enemies.

Eight years of Leftist attacks on President Bush left an unsavory taste in the mouths of citizens, and they yearned for something new. And they got it.

Now, with one horrific term under his belt, Obama has shown that he is nothing of the man he pretended to be. An article today showed the comparisons between Obama and former president Richard Nixon. To be sure, they both have targeted their detractors and made them enemies. They've both bullied the press, as (former) Liberal media darling Bob Woodward can attest, as Fox News can attest, and as former White House counsel and Joe Lieberman PAC treasure Lanny Davis can attest.

Obama's bullying goes beyond the pale, and he encourages this behavior in his acolytes. Woodward, who helped bring down a man who was seen as the devil by the numbskulls of the 60s, has now been roundly attacked by the Leftist media who support Obama to the end. MSNBC, ABC, et. al., have questioned his sanity, questioned his age, have said in his advancing years he has failing judgement.

Remember the same media attacking Hillary Clinton when she ran against the Black Messiah? Remember the media and the ivory tower elites in academia propping-up one foolish notion after another that anyone to the right of the middle was somehow lacking in intelligence or suffering from a mental disorder? It is the same thought process that former Communist regimes used to declare those who questioned the Party to be apostate and in desperate of political 're-education'.

'By any means necessary' has been less a rejoinder, and more of a battle cry, for those who wish to fundamentally change our society for the worse. Comrade Obama has shown that he is not afraid to raise that flag.

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