29 June 2010

Justice Stevens: One Final Middle Finger to America

Once again, members of the U.S. Supreme Court with an ideological tilt to the left tried unsuccessfully to stymie our constitutional freedoms. The high court has struck down on a 5-4 vote the ability of a locality to subvert the freedom to own a firearm. The Second Amendment is generally held to guarantee citizens the fundamental right to reasonably protect themselves, while at the same time allowing the states to provide for their own defense with ‘a well-regulated Militia’.

The four justices who voted against the majority were the most liberal judges on the bench, including Obama’s addition to the court, Justice Sotomayor.

At issue was the unconstitutionality of a handgun ban enforced by the city of Chicago, and nearby Oak Park, for the past 30 years. While the court didn’t specifically strike down the ban, they made it clear that such nanny-state measures would not pass constitutional muster.

Retiring Justice Stevens wrote a most ridiculous dissent. Absent was the sharp, penetrating legal acumen one expects from a Supreme Court Justice. But rather, he blathered on about safety and the threat to our collective liberties by increased gun violence.

Well, pardon me, but Stevens is a fucking gun-hating Leftist, and I’m glad he’s retiring.

This moron has consistently sided with those opposed to freedom. He has been an enemy of the Second Amendment, and has in previous written dissents opined that this provision in the Bill of Rights doesn’t pertain to individual citizens. His predilection for being a constitutional termite doesn’t end there, as he has also written that entities such as states and municipalities should be allowed to ‘experiment’ with the 2nd.

Would he be so inclined to allow states to experiment with the First Amendment and regulate members of the press corps and their writing? Probably not.

Stevens is hostile to gun rights, period. He suffers from the same delusion as other’s on the left by believing that people are inherently bad, and the government needs to regulate them as much as possible. Joining many others of his ilk with liberal bias, Stevens ignores the facts. FBI statistics show that counties with a high percentage of legal gun ownership also have the lowest crime rates. It is also clear that legal gun owners do not commit violent crimes. So for years, law-abiding citizens in places like Chicago and D.C. kept the guns out of their homes while criminals continued to menace them.

You see, when the government can make you a victim, the government will try to be the one to save you. This is why Obama, and Stevens, and soon-to-be Justice Elena Kagan, and legions of liberal bureaucrats and politicians all over America do what they do.

How long will we let them?

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