11 June 2010

South Carolina? IT'S A TRAP! says Jim Clyburn

Who is who?
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), who has never met a rock under which he couldn't find some racism, has called shenanigans in regards to Alvin Greene's unlikely win in the Democrat Senate primary. He would know something about shenanigans and South Carolina, as his own 6th congressional district was gerrymandered to cover the black neighborhoods of virtually every town in the eastern part of the state. And like our favorite Star Wars crustacean, he thinks the primary election is a trap.

Clyburn has taken time off from calling Tea Party folks 'terrorists' to assert that Greene is part of an insidious plan by Republicans to usurp the election process by secretly supporting the unknown winner. He has called for an investigation into how Democrat voters could be so dumb to vote for a virtually unknown person.

Perhaps Rep. Clyburn should concentrate on doing the job for which he was elected and stop trying find corruption in everything his opponents do...especially when his 'corruption detector' seems to be on the fritz when his side is involved. Hopefully someone will remind him of that, especially since he was one of only 15 congressmen who voted for a pay increase in this bad economy, (House members only make a salary of $174,000 per year), versus 402 against. And of the 15, 13 were members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Clyburn.

Speaking of the CBC, they have 39 voting members, or only 9.3% of the House of Representatives. But 17% of  the worst 100 congressmen for attending votes (what they're paid to do) are in the CBC, or 43.5% of their own membership. And of those 17 worst, over half were the lazy-asses wanting more pay.

Admiral Ackbar had it correct, it's a trap all right...and it's called delusion.

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