22 June 2010

Town Snatches Sovereignty From the Federal Jaws of Inaction

Citizens of my birthplace, Fremont, NE, have passed a local law requiring prospective renters to apply for a license before renting living space in their town. Whether or not it will pass constitutional muster remains to be seen.

However, this law shows not racism or bigotry but rather the frustration local towns -- citizens -- feel about our government shirking its duty to maintain our border security.
From California hippies to the liberal college elite to most of Obama's administration, America is innundated by the shrill cries of 'RACISM!'whenever the subject of border security comes up. The truth is that many progressives, already opposed to a normal America, would love to see a flood of immigrants for what they see as an opportunity to tear down the country we love. Many Democrat politicians, as well, trumpet the change in our cultural landscape as a victory for the masses. What they really mean is that they are eager for the opportunity to fish for votes out of a larger pool of vulnerable minorities.

Fremont townsfolk aren't bigots, but neither do they want to sacrifice our laws, or their security, on the altar of diversity. Illegal is illegal and right is right; the city of Fremont rests firmly on the side of right on this one.

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