22 June 2010

Gen. McChrystal: Right Assessment, but Wrong Tactic?

Gen. Stanley McChrystal is being ordered back to Washington by the president to answer for comments made by him and his staff critical of the liberal novices running the White House. His opinions came to light this week in an interview the general did with Rolling Stone.

My years of military life taught me that a soldier should never openly criticize his superiors. It is detrimental to overall morale, and it shows a willful disregard for the value and importance of the chain of command.

Gen. McChrystal know this probably better than most soldiers. The general is also of a strategic mind, so it is difficult to believe he let his ideas slip out to a RS reporter without a reason behind it.

If he did make such a ridiculous error, then he will have to throw himself upon the mercy of the president. After all, no one criticizes the Obamessiah without risking swift punishment.

If it was not a mistake, then the general meant to send a broader message. Obama must realize this. It should be no surprise to anyone that all echelons of the military have a low opinion of Obama's abilities, his fitness to lead, and his motivations as Commander-in-Chief. Our fighting forces want to be inspired by their leadership, and Obama does not instill that confidence to any degree.

Gen. McChrystal is a fine leader...let's hope his CinC will, for the first time, drop his uppity opinion of himself and finally listen to our military leaders on the ground.

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

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