08 June 2010

Al-Reuters and the Art of Fauxtography

Reuters News Service has (again) been caught doctoring photos in support of the Palestinians. This time, they cropped a 'humanitarian' wielding a bloody knife over a wounded soldier, and covering over a pool of Israeli blood. Recently the same organization knowing published the above 2008 photo of Hamas lawmakers who had to do the work of the Palestinian people, by candlelight, because evil Israel blockaded them and cut their power.

Look closely; notice anything?

Yes, you sharp-eyed folks, you're right on the money. The windows would be streaming with midday sunlight if Hamas had not closed the curtains. This photo was taken during an afternoon meeting at which journalists were invited to attend. Many wondered why the room was shuttered and lit with candles despite the bright, sunny day outside. Regardless of this obviously staged set-up, Reuters forged ahead with the lie and also published a photo caption designed to elicit sympathy for the terrorists there.

Two years before, another Islamist sympathizer at Reuters doctored-in some extra smoke for a photograph of the IDF's efforts to fight Hezbollah terrorists in Beirut. At the time Israel was roundly criticized for protecting their own interests. They were being attacked daily with rockets from extremists, and they moved to carefully but deliberately to stop this act of terrorism. But the Reuters cabal apparently wanted to make the Israeli efforts, to target only the terrorist elements, seem to be failing. Or worse, they wanted to make the world think the IDF was deliberately sowing carnage there.

What is the result of all of the photographic subtlety, one wonders? I mean, some will say that a few little additions or subtractions to a photo doesn't harm anything. But the devil is in the details, you see. It is another example of how journalists with the big media outlets like Reuters, NBC, AP, etc., very carefully tailor their news reports to subtlety influence public opinion. As insidious as it seems, it happens daily. This type of elitist meddling is insidious and constant.

How long will it take for everyone to realize that major news organizations will do anything to advance an anti-American Leftist agenda?

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