29 June 2010

Justice Stevens: One Final Middle Finger to America

Once again, members of the U.S. Supreme Court with an ideological tilt to the left tried unsuccessfully to stymie our constitutional freedoms. The high court has struck down on a 5-4 vote the ability of a locality to subvert the freedom to own a firearm. The Second Amendment is generally held to guarantee citizens the fundamental right to reasonably protect themselves, while at the same time allowing the states to provide for their own defense with ‘a well-regulated Militia’.

The four justices who voted against the majority were the most liberal judges on the bench, including Obama’s addition to the court, Justice Sotomayor.

At issue was the unconstitutionality of a handgun ban enforced by the city of Chicago, and nearby Oak Park, for the past 30 years. While the court didn’t specifically strike down the ban, they made it clear that such nanny-state measures would not pass constitutional muster.

Retiring Justice Stevens wrote a most ridiculous dissent. Absent was the sharp, penetrating legal acumen one expects from a Supreme Court Justice. But rather, he blathered on about safety and the threat to our collective liberties by increased gun violence.

Well, pardon me, but Stevens is a fucking gun-hating Leftist, and I’m glad he’s retiring.

This moron has consistently sided with those opposed to freedom. He has been an enemy of the Second Amendment, and has in previous written dissents opined that this provision in the Bill of Rights doesn’t pertain to individual citizens. His predilection for being a constitutional termite doesn’t end there, as he has also written that entities such as states and municipalities should be allowed to ‘experiment’ with the 2nd.

Would he be so inclined to allow states to experiment with the First Amendment and regulate members of the press corps and their writing? Probably not.

Stevens is hostile to gun rights, period. He suffers from the same delusion as other’s on the left by believing that people are inherently bad, and the government needs to regulate them as much as possible. Joining many others of his ilk with liberal bias, Stevens ignores the facts. FBI statistics show that counties with a high percentage of legal gun ownership also have the lowest crime rates. It is also clear that legal gun owners do not commit violent crimes. So for years, law-abiding citizens in places like Chicago and D.C. kept the guns out of their homes while criminals continued to menace them.

You see, when the government can make you a victim, the government will try to be the one to save you. This is why Obama, and Stevens, and soon-to-be Justice Elena Kagan, and legions of liberal bureaucrats and politicians all over America do what they do.

How long will we let them?

Soccer: Stupid, Boring, AND Progressive

Let me preface this by saying I am not a sports fanatic. I do not wait anxiously for the start of college basketball season, nor sit for hours watching the grass grow during a golf tournament. That's not to say I don't enjoy sports; indeed I do. Often I watch Formula One, (along with other motorsports), and I am an avid fan of tennis. Snowskiing is a favorite, as well. From this you may gather that I prefer individual sporting activities over team sports, so perhaps I approach this from an already skewed perspective.

Whatever the case, I am sure of one thing: World Cup Soccer is absolutely ridiculous.

Now please don't misunderstand me. I don't intend to only degrade the World Cup, because all soccer is ridiculous. At very least, it is ridiculous on the surface, and it has rather palpable and distinct undercurrents of populism.

My first introduction to the game - if one can seriously call it that - came in primary school. Finley Elementary was a tiny block building containing six classrooms and a cafeteria room. Tucked away in the rolling countryside of rural Scott County, IN, Finley served some of the poorer students of the local area. I recall one student who lived with a family of eight in an old two-room trailer; he shared a bunkbed with his brother that was in the corner of the kitchen. Hunting for these folks was more than mere sport, but rather it was part of their critical need to provide necessary protein and calories to their diet. Needless to say, this was not the environment that would foster a greatly expanded world view. My family was more fortunate than many of my classmates, but even with educated parents I wasn't exposed to many things outside of the norm at that time.

Still, a kid's gotta play. One doesn't need to be Howard Cosell to know that in amongst the cornfields of Indiana, basketball is the game to play. And play we did, basketball mostly. Thrown in was the occasional dodgeball, or softball or the like. Recess was the same all over, sans soccer.

My first inkling of soccer came in the seemingly innocuous textbooks we had. Not only did they have the required information for our age group, but they were sly primers on multiculturalism, as well. I seem to recall so many of these texts showing kids happily kicking around an odd black-and-white ball. These children, as I later learned, were representative of other schools, schools with other kids and other problems. The textbook pictures always depicted school kids as an ethnic stew, happily bubbling away as they simmered with cultural harmony. It also seemed that this soup contained a rather healthy dose of that equalizing ingredient, soccer.

It was only later in life, when my life experience and understanding expanded that I truly learned to despise soccer and what it represents.

In essence, the game can be summed up thusly: players run, for what seems like hours, up and down a grassy field. During this running, players who look to be gay take turns theatrically falling to the ground with mock injuries, and spectators drink themselves silly with boredom and fight each other about whose team runs prettier. I think somewhere in this they try to score a point by kicking the ball, but often they are able to overcome the trouble of scoring altogether, whereby intoxicated fans are left wondering why they paid to get toasted in a stadium instead of a proper pub. But the poor, stupid fools keep supporting it.

This isn't to say that other sports, and their fans, can't be equally as meaningless. Take baseball, for example. America's Game is about a five hour affair where the greatest strategic plan is whether to hit the ball left or right. Duh. And baseball's fans are meticulous followers of the games stats. Of course they are, since they records of a game are really more interesting than the game itself. And who knew that some baseball fans can actually read?

Baseball fans aren't alone. Legions of knuckleheaded college basketball fans blather on endlessly about the latest freshman phenom recruited by 'us', as if they were part of the team. Worse still, they always mention 'Coach' with an icky familiarity that borders on homoeroticism. Then we come to the pinnacle of college ball stupidity: the school tattoo. This misguided attempt at team loyalty is made funnier by the fan who tattoos himself without having actually attended said school. How funny.

Regardless of how idiotic sports people can be, they are at least trying to find merit in what they do. Baseball, boring as it is, still has elements that demonstrate purpose. Basketball, even a lame college game, is three dimensional whereas soccer exists in a paltry two. American football has a variety of skill sets, and has been described by commentator Micharel Medved as 'ritualized' combat. Tennis is an expert blend of power and precision.

Soccer, on the other hand, seems merely to be a dramatic representation of a couple of natives kicking a bundle of rags between some coconut trees.

This is precisely why progressive liberals love the game. Soccer to them represents the great equalizer. Anyone with a ball can run and kick it. Absent are the huge powerful defensive line of the NFL, or the multimillion motorcars of Laguna Seca. One doesn't need money or natural ability or finely tuned equipment to play soccer, you see, one only needs a ball and the ability to run.

To a liberal, soccer meets with their approval in a number of ways. Soccer is un-American, for starters. What that means, really, is that there is nothing quintessentially American about soccer. Soccer is a dish with a distinct flavor of some far flung land, and it doesn't evoke memories of Mom and apple pie.

Liberals also like a sport where any overt display of power or strength is downplayed. Again, there is nothing warlike about simply running away, unless of course you're French. Soccer is also a sport where one team rarely is able to dominate another team. There is nothing resembling combat, or the raw strength of will...only guys running endlessly around a field with an afterthought of scoring. Taking the battle out of a contest is part of what Laura Ingraham refers to as the 'wussification' of America, and it is but the most modern example rooted in the days of folks protesting football and boxing as being to brutal.

Finally, progressives love soccer as the great equalizer. Even with it's allowable jingoism, soccer is to them a game that defies the supposed imperalism they see lurking under every rock. Soccer is way for backward banana republics to stand up to world powers on an equal field and feel...well, equal. NY Times sportswriter William Rhoden demonstrated this sentiment when he wrote of the US-Ghana match, saying that even as an American his heart was with Africa. Not Ghana, Africa. Rhoden likened a Ghana win to 'a psychological boost' for this 'important giant'.

Gimme a break.

Nevermind that Rhoden's best known writings are based upon black athletes being treated unfairly in sports. More likely is that at the heart, Rhoden reveled in seeing America knocked down a notch. This type of attitude is woven into the fabric of progressive's cloak and it pervades their thinking to the point where their moral compasses are always taking them off course. This journalist was black, and he saw this contest as a racial and cultural equalizer.

Not only is soccer infinitely boring and lacking in any redeeming qualities, but for many it is a tool for social engineering. I saw it start some 30 years ago in the textbook for elementary children, and everyone who supports it is passively giving aid and comfort to those who would change our way of life 'by any means necessary'.

Writing this almost makes me long for that simpler time, a time when a picture of kids kicking a ball between coconut trees looked like genuine fun. Too bad.

23 June 2010

Obama's Feelings Hurt; Afghan War Expert Shown the Door

One of the best known and well respected Special Ops soldiers, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has been forced out of his leadership of the war in Afghanistan. The general's recent comments about our naive civilian leadership necessitated his removal, according to Obama.

God bless him for speaking his mind.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

22 June 2010

Gen. McChrystal: Right Assessment, but Wrong Tactic?

Gen. Stanley McChrystal is being ordered back to Washington by the president to answer for comments made by him and his staff critical of the liberal novices running the White House. His opinions came to light this week in an interview the general did with Rolling Stone.

My years of military life taught me that a soldier should never openly criticize his superiors. It is detrimental to overall morale, and it shows a willful disregard for the value and importance of the chain of command.

Gen. McChrystal know this probably better than most soldiers. The general is also of a strategic mind, so it is difficult to believe he let his ideas slip out to a RS reporter without a reason behind it.

If he did make such a ridiculous error, then he will have to throw himself upon the mercy of the president. After all, no one criticizes the Obamessiah without risking swift punishment.

If it was not a mistake, then the general meant to send a broader message. Obama must realize this. It should be no surprise to anyone that all echelons of the military have a low opinion of Obama's abilities, his fitness to lead, and his motivations as Commander-in-Chief. Our fighting forces want to be inspired by their leadership, and Obama does not instill that confidence to any degree.

Gen. McChrystal is a fine leader...let's hope his CinC will, for the first time, drop his uppity opinion of himself and finally listen to our military leaders on the ground.

The New Busy is not the too busy. Combine all your e-mail accounts with Hotmail. Get busy.

Town Snatches Sovereignty From the Federal Jaws of Inaction

Citizens of my birthplace, Fremont, NE, have passed a local law requiring prospective renters to apply for a license before renting living space in their town. Whether or not it will pass constitutional muster remains to be seen.

However, this law shows not racism or bigotry but rather the frustration local towns -- citizens -- feel about our government shirking its duty to maintain our border security.
From California hippies to the liberal college elite to most of Obama's administration, America is innundated by the shrill cries of 'RACISM!'whenever the subject of border security comes up. The truth is that many progressives, already opposed to a normal America, would love to see a flood of immigrants for what they see as an opportunity to tear down the country we love. Many Democrat politicians, as well, trumpet the change in our cultural landscape as a victory for the masses. What they really mean is that they are eager for the opportunity to fish for votes out of a larger pool of vulnerable minorities.

Fremont townsfolk aren't bigots, but neither do they want to sacrifice our laws, or their security, on the altar of diversity. Illegal is illegal and right is right; the city of Fremont rests firmly on the side of right on this one.

Free Speech or Girl's Softball: Kagan's 'Hot or Not' List

Elena Kagan, Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, is soon to be coming before the U.S. Senate for her confirmation hearings. While this is completely out of our hands, it is certainly something to which we should all pay close attention. These types of events are historical and rare, but more importantly it gives us a valuable look into our president’s thought process.

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the Chief Executive who had barely held a job running anything is touting a nominee who hasn’t been a judge. The last time a non-judge was nominated was over 40 years ago. To be fair, the Constitution does not require a sitting justice to have been a local, state, or federal judge. The qualifications, in fact, are completely absent: a president may nominate anyone to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), regardless of their lack of qualifications. It seems in this instance President Obama is taking that idea to an extreme.

Anyone can read her full bio here. In a nutshell, Kagan is a product of Ivy League schools and has spent most of her life either in liberal academia or serving under former President Clinton. She clerked for a couple of courts early in her career, and she had done a stint in private practice. Most recently she has served as Solictor General under Obama, a position where she has represented the U.S. government in cases heard before SCOTUS. Kagen's true relative background, like her personal live is noticeably ambiguous.

Kagan has some pragmatic views, to say the least. On the side of ‘right and good’, while under Clinton she had seemed to advocate a tolerance for expression of religious views, both in the workplace and in private situations. She also was a little more moderate in some abortion language of the time.

But most disconcerting is her acceptance of limits on free speech. Kagan is all about restrictions. She wanted to restrict students on campus to access to recruiters. She has voiced support for the government to limit political pamphlets being distributed. Kagan may have even went so far during her Clinton years to see if the Volunteer Protection Act would cover members of groups the administration did not like, and it appears that she questioned if the National Rifle Association and the KKK would be covered.


Obama’s nominee has also written that the government may decide on a ‘disadvantage’ to certain ideas ‘if acting upon neutral, harm-based reasons.’ The bare hint of this smacks of the type of restrictions on freedom of speech seen in much of Europe and with our Canadian neighbors. Officials in these countries routinely make determinations as to what or how their citizenry may express themselves, right down to banning outright certain words or phrases deemed to be offensive. Some of these countries, contrary to the civilized norms one would expect, even may resort to arrest and prosecution for ideas the government decides to be unsavory. Jackbooted behavior such as this is to be expected in Third World countries, but the thought police are thriving in many more places than the average American would believe.

Kagan’s nomination is but another example of the controlling mindset prevalent with those on the Radical Left. Adherents of this ideology range from current Obama administration ‘czars’ like Cass Sunstein, (who wrote a paper in 2008 calling for a tax on proponents of certain ‘conspiracy theories’), to the FCC diversity czar, (who thinks ‘white people’ should step down from government positions to force a different perspective upon Americans). In the same vein, advocates of global warming propaganda, like Heidi Cullen of The Weather Channel, would like the licenses of skeptical weathermen revoked if the deny manmade causes of climate change. Likewise, NASA scientist James Hansen wants criminal trials for skeptics, and RFK Jr. said in 2007 that being skeptical of global warming was treason!

Further fueling the goose-stepping march of the thought police are some of the dimwits of Hollywood. Many of the entertainment jet-set openly deride the idea of conservative criticism from their progressive positions. Danny Glover and Sean Penn are frequent guests and good friends with Hugo Chavez, who shuts down media with which he disagrees. Formerly hot / now fat Carrie Fisher thinks dissent from Obama makes one a racist and Bill Maher regularly tries to silence the voice of the Tea Party Movement by labeling them as a ‘cult’.

This is the political climate in which supporters of Obama thrive and let their true colors show. While the assault on our constitutional rights may continue unabated from various media, radical politicians, and even Supreme Court nominees, the president may want to look at his waning popularity and consider pulling a retro-Clinton move and do the soft shoe back toward the middle for the rest of his term in the White House. Otherwise, not all the hope in the world will keep him off that long Greyhound ride back to Chicago.

And yeah...she digs softball, too.

20 June 2010

This American Life, sans Hyphen

In yet another victory for civilization, an inner-city toddler is taught to sing and dance to some stupid rap song…complete with all the age-inappropriate lyrics for which rap music is known.

And here are a few things I know: a) this kid is going to have a tough childhood; b) someone in his immediate family probably owns at least one pit bull; and c) his father will never be arrested going to, or coming from, a public library.

We are all slowly becoming Diversity's bitch.    
(watch at the risk of your own righteous and understandable anger.)

Oil and Idiots and Obama, Oh My!

Is Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) an idiot?

That is the question on the lips of every talking head and politician of every stripe. Conservatives and radical leftists alike are debating endlessly about his speaking his mind during the recent hearings on the Gulf spill. And thanks to a media who are generally supportive of El Presidente, we’re all supposed to believe that it is worthy of conversation, as well. So what is the answer? Is Joe an idiot?

And the answer is…’yes’. That is, he was an idiot, but not for the reasons the Far Left would have you to believe.

You see, Rep. Barton had the right sentiment. MSNBC this week gleefully bragged about how their boy in Washington 'shook down' BP for the fund. And the congressman is familiar with the tactics of the White House, and more importantly, with the Chicago-style politics practiced by Obama and those of his ilk. In their political world, persuasion is accompanied by threats and other strong-arm methods. Think Rahm Emmanuel, Obama’s right hand man, who is known throughout the political landscape as a hardballer. Think Rod Blagojevich, who apparently demanded political contributions before he would release federal funding and who may have extorted reporters as the Chicago Tribune. Think Bill Ayers: terrorist with whom Obama is sure he never met. In Chicago. Never-ever.

Barton was correct in thinking that Obama may have applied some Windy City pressure to BP to get them to front the $20 billion claims fund to help folks affected by the oil spill. The president had already ratcheted-up his rhetoric against British Petroleum in order to cap the huge leak in his poll numbers. But even threats from the White House aren’t enough to get that kind of scratch from any business in one 15 minute meeting.

The fact is that BP knew they were helping their own cause by offering the money for the claims fund and Obama would be able to look as if he was actually doing something. This move was most likely in the works for some time, as well. BP knew they would pay the money anyway, and this way they appeared more compassionate.

So what of the good congressman?

He was an idiot by giving the administration something useful to divert attention from their own lack of action. Barton took something that should be preordained for a catastrophe such as this and turned it into a chance for the Left to make his party look like they were in the backseat with Big Oil, getting all handsy and such. Since those stupid remarks left his mouth, it has been a daily political sleight-of-hand from the White House.

It would have been better for Barton to acknowledge that BP was absolutely culpable, and then he could have moved on to the fact that the administration has failed us yet again. How about how the administration’s insistence on ‘greening’ America apparently doesn’t mean anything when it comes to upholding drilling regulations? Or how about the entrenched bureaucracy at the Minerals Management Service was allowed to be lax on a company who continuously violated its own policies on offshore platform drilling? How about how Obama has been like a deer in the proverbial headlights when failing to react as soon as he could to this disaster? Or how nothing Obama has done has kept one bit of oil from continuing to flow into the Gulf?

Finally, where is the discussion about Obama making a speech, ostensibly about the spill, where he mainly touts yet another bloated and corrupt government program accompanied by some additional taxes?

Now, for almost the past week, the conversation was allowed to drift from these salient points…all because Rep. Barton tried to score some cheap political points. BP, and our government, are equally guilty. And by him lowering himself to the level of the Left, we again see that politics can still trump real need – just pay no attention to that oil spill behind the curtain.

16 June 2010

'In Europe soccer is called football!'

Of course it is. But we're only reminded of that when some emaciated liberal wants to convince us that by referring to it as 'football' somehow diminishes its reputation for being boring, theatrical, and well, boring. Sorry, but I can't take seriously anyone who is the on the edge of their seats, all aquiver with anticipation, eage to watch dudes running back and forth while not scoring.

And fighting to a tie? Please...

11 June 2010

A Couple of New Reasons Palin Needs Support

South Carolina? IT'S A TRAP! says Jim Clyburn

Who is who?
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.), who has never met a rock under which he couldn't find some racism, has called shenanigans in regards to Alvin Greene's unlikely win in the Democrat Senate primary. He would know something about shenanigans and South Carolina, as his own 6th congressional district was gerrymandered to cover the black neighborhoods of virtually every town in the eastern part of the state. And like our favorite Star Wars crustacean, he thinks the primary election is a trap.

Clyburn has taken time off from calling Tea Party folks 'terrorists' to assert that Greene is part of an insidious plan by Republicans to usurp the election process by secretly supporting the unknown winner. He has called for an investigation into how Democrat voters could be so dumb to vote for a virtually unknown person.

Perhaps Rep. Clyburn should concentrate on doing the job for which he was elected and stop trying find corruption in everything his opponents do...especially when his 'corruption detector' seems to be on the fritz when his side is involved. Hopefully someone will remind him of that, especially since he was one of only 15 congressmen who voted for a pay increase in this bad economy, (House members only make a salary of $174,000 per year), versus 402 against. And of the 15, 13 were members of the Congressional Black Caucus, including Clyburn.

Speaking of the CBC, they have 39 voting members, or only 9.3% of the House of Representatives. But 17% of  the worst 100 congressmen for attending votes (what they're paid to do) are in the CBC, or 43.5% of their own membership. And of those 17 worst, over half were the lazy-asses wanting more pay.

Admiral Ackbar had it correct, it's a trap all right...and it's called delusion.

10 June 2010

How Did Ashton Kutcher Punk an Entire State?

Of the more interesting primary victories this week was the big win for South Carolina Democrat Senatorial Candidate Alvin Greene. Alvin's stunning victory may be a part of a greater strategy by the DNC and the White House to influence elections by secretly putting up candidates whom they see as policy experts. Sort of like Alvin. Here are some of the more interesting points about this future leader, culled from various media outlets:
  • He is an unemployed ex-vet who was reportedly 'forced out' of the Army.
  • Greene had virtually no money, no campaign donations, no advertising of any kind, and no campaign website. Lobbyists can't influence you when they don't know who you are.
  • Greene lives with his parents. He is not on home incarceration, either.
  • A tidbit from his foreign policy platform: 'I think there should be one Korea, under democracy, done peacefully.  It would be good for the economy of the nation and South Carolina and our allies.' Very brave of him to not let history or political realities to get in the way of his beliefs -- he's a true Democrat. There is no word yet on whether he believes there should be a worldwide minimum wage of $37 per hour or if every global citizen should have a right to 'Free Ice Cream Wednesdays'.
  • Greene is, of course, a big supporter of President Obama and Obamacare.
  • When asked about TARP funding to bail out financial institutions, and how he would have voted on the measure, he replied, "TARP? What's that? (pause) I'll have to get back to you on that." Thank you Jake Gibson of Fox News for being one of the only media guys to report this.
  • Greene was equally astute on the subject of Iran: 'I think how we're going about, what we're doing is OK, I think ... Look, I have someone beeping on the other line, I have to move on ... I'm exhausted.'
  • He has said he is looking forward to debating Republican incumbent Senator Jim DeMint. Sorry Mr. Greene, you are not nearly excited about that debate as the rest of us are.
  • Greene apparently took an interview in his dad's living room in a pair of sweatpants and family reunion t-shirt from 1993. They always love those shirts, with all the tacky airbrushing and  the memorial 'R.I.P. Jamal' stuff written all over them. Let's not forget the grainy family pics printed on them, too. I wonder if they had a step competition for that one back in '93?
  • The AP broke the story the day after Greene's victory that he was recently hit with a felony obscenity charge. Greene apparently approached Camille McCoy, then 18, in a computer lab in November at the University of South Carolina and showed her porn. He is then alleged to have propositioned her and asked to follow her back to her room.  Miss McCoy, a young self-described Republican, was stunned that her alleged harasser had wone the Democrat Senate primary or was even in the race, for that matter. Unfortunately, there are no pics of the teen victim that can be found, but The Third Front is really anxious to see what she looks like. Really, really anxious.
  • There are no reports as to what he was doing in a college campus computer lab. Maybe he was taking a break from raking leaves.
The South Carolina state Democrat political machine, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic National Convention have all ignored Alvin Greene, except to ask him to drop out of the race. Doubtless the Obama Administration will have Rahm Emmanuel use an intermediary (like Tyler Perry, perhaps) to offer this guy a job in the government -- with his ideas he seems right in line with Obama's foreign policy advisors anyway, so he might be a natural fit.

However, I think I share the view of the nation in saying NO! Mr. Greene should stick with his campaign. Here is a young, moral, intelligent African-American who had the audacity of hope to go against all odds and run a campaign for the U.S. Senate just because he has a lot of time on his hands. This rising Democrat star is being held down by the man, and the small-minded bureaucrats in his party need to see his true potential. After all, if our president was a U.S. senator for only about 17 days, and had a resume' rich with just some community organizing, why can't Alvin Greene take his vast expertise to Washington? We say take it, brother.

Regardless of the outcome, this is the classic American story of a guy who dared to reach for the stars -- by giving the finger to Obama. This is Alvin Greene's V-E Day.  It's his day to storm the Bastille, or to be the first one to get his Popeye's coupons in the mail. But more than that, this may just be his way to say to Obama, "Screw you and your failed stimminus! You done bailed out da wrong folks...you promised green jobs and I ain't got no Greene job, but I's about to!"

So we say to Senatorial candidate Alvin Green that you've given us hope and change we can believe in. And for that, we thank you.

09 June 2010

Who doesn't love shooting a rifle?

Funny Video
Saudis aren't exactly known as big game hunters, and here's why:

More Aid and Comfort to our Enemies; Obama Brother Still Waiting for that Big Check

President Obama met today with the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas at the White House. Always quick to kowtow to our enemies, and always free with our tax dollars, Obama pledged another $400 million in aid to Palestine. $400 MILLION. TO HAMAS-CONTROLLED PALESTINE. And last month he wouldn't even meet with Netanyahu.

Coincidentally, this almost doubles the aid we already send to them. This will probably help them free up some of their own shekels to buy some more smuggled rockets to launch into Israel.

Obama's poverty-stricken Kenyan half-brother, George Hussein Obama (pictured here), was heard to say, 'Damn, bro! When sum dat dollas be comin' here to da Kenya, yo?'

Obama, Pelosi, & Reid: Drowning in a Sea of 'Change'

'Change We Can Believe In'...'We Believe'...'Yes We Can'. These were the shrill battlecries of the hysterical foot-soldiers of Obama-Pelosi-Reid throughout the last presidential election and continued on even until recently. Diehard progressives, Blue Dog Democrats, and moderates alike drew their collective breaths at the promises that were offered by the new sheriffs in town. Journalists practically swooned over Obama's potential, (Chris Matthews is still positively orgasmic over him), and idealistic, brainwashed students turned out in droves because they believed. 'Hope' was on everyone's lips.

But now, O-P-R are faced with changes they never thought possible.

This unholy triumvirate of community organizer/west coast looney/liberal racist rode into power on the premise that Washington, and the rest of the country, was completely broken. They backed up their mantra with as much evidence as they could muster. The war(s) was bad for us globally, oil was bad for us internally. Government was rife with corruption, and Darth Cheney had solidified power with the Executive so as to trample our rights more thoroughly. Big Business had reached its tentacles into the darkest corners of government. According to O-P-R, only they could save America from all that had befallen us.

It wasn't a very hard sell, really. With the mortgage crisis, folks everywhere were scared for their homes and livelihood. Americans were being told that we were getting tired of having wars. I guess some of us even believed that, deep down inside, every coldblooded foreign tyrant just needed a hug and an obeisiant bow for them to start humming 'Yankee Doodle Dandy.' Worse still, the economy began to tank. Yep, they told us, we sure needed something different.

What they gave us was a morally imperative, if somewhat practically ambiguous, blueprint for their improvements. Because some numbskull Republicans became embroiled in a few shady situations, Pelosi led the early charge calling for a cleaning of the Congressional house. She insisted that our legislature had become too corrupt to do the work of the people. Her answer was to vote those GOP bastards out and shine the pure, cleansing light of accountability into the halls of Congress. In fact, she started to coin the phrase, 'New Direction Congress', almost before the Nov. 2006 election results had turned cold.

Likewise presidential candidate Barack Obama, fresh off of his Senatatorial campaign, promised to fling wide the curtains of the White House. His first day of office he said that he would usher in an 'unprecedented level of openness in government.' He said that no lobbyists would serve in his administration. He also promised the world would gain new respect for a kinder, gentler America. And he promised to create thousands of green jobs. And to turn the economy around with our stimulus tax dollars. And he promised to turn Coke into Pepsi and find my fuckin' car keys.

Well, maybe not that last part, but he did promise to work both sides of the political spectrum and be Monsieur Bi-partisanship.

That all seems to be part of the problem O-P-R seem to be having now: none of it worked! The Pres is more highly scripted than any former chief executive, and he has a tight rein on the media and their access. None of the promised deliberations on C-SPAN have transpired, (excepting of course the staged healthcare 'summit' which really wasn't), he maintains a secret army of policy czars, and he breaks his own lobbyist rules as often as he pleases. For their part, P-R have done nothing but force the ill-conceived and ugly healthcare bill down our throats...they've done little else since Obama took office. They wield partisanship as blunt weapon, flailing about the ranks of Congress, decrying anyone who disagrees with them. Where, too, is the promised spirit of openness and inclusion?

Where's the change? Where's the beef?

Laid out before them like a political Rand McNally is their roadmap to civilian life. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is looking at a potential loss in November. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was practically shouted off the podium this week by those Code Pink crazies during a progressive re-education camp in D.C. And Obama has poll numbers, dismal numbers, that are lower than President Bush's during a stronger war footing AND during the Katrina cleanup effort. The Pres can't speak without the teleprompter, but when he tries he sounds bitter and angry.

Hell, Washington D.C. would make anyone bitter and angry, but that wasn't what he was elected upon. In fact, all three of the D.C.-Gees sound grumpy these days, as do their hangers-on. They spit the words 'Tea Party' out as if it were a toxic venom. Pelosi scoffs at the notion that anyone not on a coast has anything meaningful to say, and Obama has chronically hurt feelings cause he ain't be gettin' da job done. So to speak.

Maybe this is a case of them overstating their case, overpromising and underdelivering. Perhaps they were all so jacked-up on the audacity of hope that they really didn't realize the world wouldn't change on their whim. To give them the benefit of the doubt, they may have their hearts in the right place.

But I'm just not buying it. The smug self-assurance they had and their utter dismissal of anything contrary to their Far Left agenda shows me they never were in touch with those of us here in the regular world. If some of the recent primaries are any indication, then Election Day 2010 may show them too that they were woefully out of touch from the start.

Now that's change I can believe in.

08 June 2010

Al-Reuters and the Art of Fauxtography

Reuters News Service has (again) been caught doctoring photos in support of the Palestinians. This time, they cropped a 'humanitarian' wielding a bloody knife over a wounded soldier, and covering over a pool of Israeli blood. Recently the same organization knowing published the above 2008 photo of Hamas lawmakers who had to do the work of the Palestinian people, by candlelight, because evil Israel blockaded them and cut their power.

Look closely; notice anything?

Yes, you sharp-eyed folks, you're right on the money. The windows would be streaming with midday sunlight if Hamas had not closed the curtains. This photo was taken during an afternoon meeting at which journalists were invited to attend. Many wondered why the room was shuttered and lit with candles despite the bright, sunny day outside. Regardless of this obviously staged set-up, Reuters forged ahead with the lie and also published a photo caption designed to elicit sympathy for the terrorists there.

Two years before, another Islamist sympathizer at Reuters doctored-in some extra smoke for a photograph of the IDF's efforts to fight Hezbollah terrorists in Beirut. At the time Israel was roundly criticized for protecting their own interests. They were being attacked daily with rockets from extremists, and they moved to carefully but deliberately to stop this act of terrorism. But the Reuters cabal apparently wanted to make the Israeli efforts, to target only the terrorist elements, seem to be failing. Or worse, they wanted to make the world think the IDF was deliberately sowing carnage there.

What is the result of all of the photographic subtlety, one wonders? I mean, some will say that a few little additions or subtractions to a photo doesn't harm anything. But the devil is in the details, you see. It is another example of how journalists with the big media outlets like Reuters, NBC, AP, etc., very carefully tailor their news reports to subtlety influence public opinion. As insidious as it seems, it happens daily. This type of elitist meddling is insidious and constant.

How long will it take for everyone to realize that major news organizations will do anything to advance an anti-American Leftist agenda?

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