20 June 2010

This American Life, sans Hyphen

In yet another victory for civilization, an inner-city toddler is taught to sing and dance to some stupid rap song…complete with all the age-inappropriate lyrics for which rap music is known.

And here are a few things I know: a) this kid is going to have a tough childhood; b) someone in his immediate family probably owns at least one pit bull; and c) his father will never be arrested going to, or coming from, a public library.

We are all slowly becoming Diversity's bitch.    
(watch at the risk of your own righteous and understandable anger.)

1 comment:

  1. How a parent could possibly think this is cute, funny, or entertaining in any way is amazing to me. To think that someone took the time to help this child learn a rap that in the first lines of it were cuss words that most would find worthy of a bar of soap, a time out, or a swift smack on the ass (which I would find most appropriate if my child let those words escape out of their mouth for any reason at all). We are not slowly becoming diversitys bitch, in my personal opinion it's happening quite fast. And that is evident when viewing this video on facebook, and multiple other "child rap" videos are listed right underneath this one. Is this honestly a past time that parents enjoy with their children now? I guess Dr. Suess has taken a vacation.
